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Privacy Policy

1. What is this Privacy Policy about

This SESF Privacy Policy (hereinafter “Privacy Policy”) aims at informing you how the Swiss Esports Federation (hereinafter “SESF” or “We” or “Us” or “Our”) processes your personal data while browsing. Our website and the rights to which you are entitled in accordance with Swiss Federal Act of 25 September 2020 on Data Protection (Swiss Data Protection Act, hereinafter the “Swiss FADP”). This Privacy Policy provides general information applicable in most situations and may be supplemented with more specific notices or regulations whenever applicable (eg., by processing your personal data when we organize an event). Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable person.

2. Who are We ?

The SESF primary mission is to promote esports in all regions of Switzerland. Our headquarters are located in Postgasse 15-21, 3011 Bern (Switzerland).

3. Personal Data that may be processed

a. Personal Data provided by you When you contact Us or apply to become a member of SESF, you will be asked to provide Us with personal data concerning yourself, such as your personal details, your professional details, your billing details. You can also freely communicate additional personal data to Us. When You request information from Us, by mail, e-mail or contact form (https://sesf.ch/contact/), you may also share other personal data. b. Personal Data relating to the Use of Our Website When you browse and interact with Our website, we use automated data collection technologies to collect certain information about your actions. This includes information such as the links you click, the pages or content you view, the viewing time and other similar information and statistics about your interactions such as content response times, download errors and page visit times, the type of browser used or the location of the connection. This information is collected by means of automated technologies such as cookies. c. Personal Data relating to a Third-party Social Network When you allow a third-party social network (e.g., Facebook, X, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.) to share with Us, We may receive any personal data that you share publicly on that social network and personal data that is part of your profile. This may include personal data relating to your account (e.g., first name, last name, email address, gender, birthday, city of residence, profile picture, user ID, list of friends, etc.) and any other information or activity you allow the third-party social network to share. We also receive data about your profile when you interact with Us through a third-party social network. To learn more about how We receive personal data about you from third-party social networks or to stop sharing your personal data on these social networks, We invite you to consult the terms of use of these third-party social networks. d. Personal Data relating to Billing Information When you apply to become a member of SESF, you shall pay a membership fee. Your personal data necessary for the processing of the payment of the membership fee are collected (e.g., name, first name, billing address, telephone number, email address, IBAN number, bank account number, etc.).

4. Purpose of Use of Your Personal Data

a. Provision of Our Services We use your personal data to provide Our services, interact with you and respond to your request. b. Provision of Information about SESF We use your personal data to send you information about SESF and events We are organizing, unless you have objected. Your personal data may also be used to develop SESF in order to test your interest in creating new services. c. Pursuit of Our Legitimate Interests Your personal data may also be used to pursue Our legitimate interests, which include fraud detection and investigating any complaints We may receive from you or third parties. d. Compliance with Our Legal or Regulatory Responsibilities We use your personal data to fulfill Our legal and regulatory obligations, such as keeping records or responding to requests from authorities.

5. Website

a. In General When you browse and interact with Our website, We use automated data collection technologies to collect certain data about you to understand your actions (e.g., which links were clicked, which pages were viewed), as well as other similar data and statistics (e.g., content response times, download errors, length of time spent on certain pages, type of browser used, or location of connection). This information is collected by means of automated technologies such as cookies. It is also collected through external tracking services (e.g., Google Analytics). b. Cookies Cookies are text files that can identify you and store your personal preferences (e.g., language choice) and technical information (e.g., clickstream data). We use cookies to facilitate access to Our website, to analyze traffic and you and to identify problems with Our website. It also allows Us to improve your user experience and the design and content of Our website. The use of cookies can be disabled by selecting the appropriate settings within the browser used. However, such deactivation may prevent the use of certain features of Our website. Depending on the browser used, deactivation of Google Analytics is also possible by installing an add-on or by consulting this procedure. You also have the possibility to see how your personal data is used when using Google Analytics.

6. With Whom We share Your Personal Data

a. Outsourcing We may use external service providers (processors) to the extent necessary to perform the tasks entrusted to them, for example service providers to manage and/or maintain Our website, send messages on Our behalf, conduct research, monitor and analyze the status of Our network and the effectiveness of Our communications. b. Third Parties We may transmit your personal data to third parties, (1) if it is necessary to pursue the purposes for which you have freely provided it to Us; (2) if you have consented to it; or (3) if We are permitted or required to do so by law (e.g., at the request of a judicial authority, to enforce Our legal rights or to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another person).

7. Personal Data Security

Although total security on the Internet does not exist, standard measure (technical and organizational) have been put in place in accordance with the rules of the art, taking into account the risks involved in order to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, disclosure or unauthorized access.

8. International Transfers

Your personal data is processed and hosted in the European Economic Area and in the United States of America. When We transfer personal data outside of countries considered to have an adequate level of protection, We ensure that We use sufficient safeguards to ensure the protection of your personal data.

9. Your rights

You have the right to receive a copy of your personal data and you may request the correction of any personal data which is inaccurate or incomplete. You can request that We transfer the data that We have collected to another entity, or directly to you, under certain conditions. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for legitimate reasons. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us by mail to SESF, Postgasse 15-21, 3011 Bern (Switzerland) or electronically through our contact form (https://sesf.ch/contact/). If our response is unsatisfactory, you may refer the matter to the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).

10. Swiss Esports Hub

The goal of the Swiss Esports Hub is to give an overview about the Swiss esports community for the public as well as other Swiss esports entities, including players, teams, organisations and sponsors. The Swiss Esports Hub should help players find likeminded players and interesting organisations in the area. The Swiss Esports Hub also integrates other SESF services that allow the user to identify what the Swiss esports community has to offer. To achieve this goal, we anonymously collect, use and store personal information of users and groups (e.g. teams, organisations and companies, etc.) for the Swiss Esports Hub in accordance with the Swiss FADP for the purpose of creating educational and statistical content about the Swiss esports community. We shall collect, store and use personal information of users, including email, nickname, name, surname, birth date, description, image, canton, languages, games and any other relevant information for the Swiss Esports Hub. We shall collect, store and use personal information of groups, including name, handle, description, image, street, postal code, residential canton, games, languages and any other relevant information for the Swiss Esports Hub. All users and groups of the Swiss Esports Hub agree to give Us a clear consent to the treatment of their personal information for the Swiss Esports Hub when they create their personal account of the Swiss Esports Hub.

11. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

The Privacy Policy and all matters arising out of or relating to it, as well as the use of Our website, are governed by Swiss law, excluding conflict of law rules. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the ordinary courts where the registered office of SESF is located.

12. Contact

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, please contact Us by mail to SESF, Postgasse 15-21, 3011 Bern (Switzerland) or electronically through our contact form.

13. Updating Our Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time without notice. We will seek to bring any significant changes to your attention. The new Privacy Policy will be available on the website. You stay responsible for checking the Privacy Policy and keeping yourself informed of any changes. Continued use of our website after a change is an express acceptance of the changes.